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Taking the United States and Germany as examples, the promotion of LNG vehicles has been going on for many years. It is understood that the LNG vehicles currently in operation are mainly commercial vehicles, such as urban buses, urban engineering vehicles, sanitation vehicles, and logistics and transportation companies. This is first because commercial vehicles have a large transportation volume and high utilization rate, and the price of natural gas is cheaper than that of fuel. Secondly, LNG vehicles have smaller pollution emissions. Compared with the large amount of particulate matter and noise pollution emitted by diesel engines, LNG vehicles are less polluting.
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Modern minimalist
LOFTI industry
Modern chinese
Dust-free design
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  • Address: Yiqiang Technology Engineering Co., Ltd. in the middle section of Industrial Avenue, Shanwei City
  • Tel: 0660-3395388
  • Mob: 134-1105-2288
  • Contact: Miss Xu
  • E-mail: yiqiang_gs@163.com
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